Friday, December 11, 2015

I had ventured into the world of blogging years ago....OK, it was more like dipping my big toe into it.  I have felt the need to write and share my thoughts in the hope that someone will identify with the craziness that is my life.  Lately that feeling has been growing stronger and stronger, so here I am.  I'm back, I'm going to make a go of this again.   I feel like it's what I'm supposed to be doing (along with laundry, shopping, cleaning,volunteering etc.).

For the past year, I ventured into getting healthy and fit.  I found Beachbody and fell in love with at home workouts along with Shakeology.  It's been a year since I have been working out at home, I feel as if I have that part down. I'm happier, healthier and stronger than I have been in a loooong time.  I also started paying it forward by Coaching women who also want to start their own health and fitness journey.  That has been fun, motivating and inspiring.

Yet, I have more to figure out.  How can I become better at my role as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, Coach?  I feel like I'm coming to a crossroads and I'm on the verge of taking a leap.  It's not yet clear to me as where I'm leaping but I need to leap somewhere.  So, this is my first step towards that leap....want to leap with me?  Want to follow me along?  I'm not sure where this is going to take me but I can't wait to see where I end up.

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